Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body
Food Body

The"Food Body

At present, we are not concious of the importance of the existence of life. Without giving it a thought, we eat a slice of fish or a piece of meat bought in the supermarket. And yet, in doing this we are involved in intervening in a life's existence and killing living things. Human beings must kill many living things and use them as food for survival. From ancient times, this has been been universal.
But while we humans killed and ate living things for food, at the same time we had a feeling of awe and gratitude toward life and living things. I want to reexamine the meaning of the action of “EATING” and this has inspired me to create the Food Body series. It is nowadays forgotten that the desire to eat relies on the sacrifice of another.. I feel full of fear that we a heading towards a future society in which we mindlessly consume the lives of living things.In my work in this series, I want to confront many people with this fearful and terrible prospect.

人は生きて行く為に多くの生き物を殺し、食料としなければなりません。古来、多くの民族にとって、この普遍的な行為は、尊敬や感謝を伴ってきました。しかし現代を生きる我々の日常は、スーパーで切り身にされた魚や肉を無造作に食べ、生命としての重さを感じないで消費しています。今一度、人にとって、「食べる」という行為を再考してみたいと考えたのがこのfood bodyシリーズです。食べるという欲は、何者かの犠牲の上に成り立つという事を忘れて消費するだけの社会が行き着く先を考えると、空恐ろしい気がするのは私だけでしょうか?

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Copyright (C) Ryoko Suzuki All rights reserved.